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Climate change


Records for this category

Title Code Published
A national climate change vulnerability assessment TIN095 2011/05/06
Adapting Conservation to a Changing Climate NECR081 2011/09/30
Amberley Wild Brooks SSSI climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning report NECR504 2023/10/12
Arable reversion and climate change: Humberhead Peatlands case study TIN109 2012/04/04
Assessing and enabling climate change adaptation in Nature Improvement Areas NECR119 2013/09/27
Assessing and responding to climate risks to Natural England’s objectives.Report to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs November 2010 NE293 2010/11/01
Beam Parklands - Green Infrastructure Case Study: Using flood management as a catalyst to create an attractive, biodiverse community asset that reconnects people and nature NE444 2013/06/20
  CHIRP - Climate change impacts on raised peatbogs: a case study of Thorne, Crowle, Goole, and Hatfield Moors ENRR457 2002/02/01
Carbon Management by Land and Marine Managers NERR026 2008/11/27
Carbon storage by habitat: Review of the evidence of the impacts of management decisions and condition of carbon stores and sources NERR043 2012/05/29
Cereal invertebrates, extreme events and long-term trends in climate NECR135 2014/02/13
Climate Change Adaptation Manual NE751 2020/04/28
Climate Change Adaptation Manual - Evidence to support nature conservation in a changing climate NE546 2014/06/03
Climate Change and Biodiversity Adaptation: The Role of the Spatial Planning System NECR004 2009/04/02
Climate change adaptation indicators for the natural environment NECR038 2010/07/13
Climate change farm resilience planning NECR120 2013/09/09
Climate change refugia for the flora and fauna of England NECR162 2014/11/21
  Designing coastlines fit for the future ENRR702 2006/01/01
Developing Datasets for Biodiversity 2020: Outcome 1D (Omnicom 24951/ITT455) NECR214 2016/09/13
Discussion and recommendations on the future of protected areas in England under climate change NECR479 2023/08/01
England's peatlands: carbon storage and greenhouse gases NE257 2010/03/17
Farming and climate change NE308 2011/03/24
Greening for Growth in Victoria - Green Infrastructure Case Study: Creating a vibrant and climate-resilient business area in the heart of London NE395 2013/06/19
Increasing landscape connectivity: evaluating the risks that this will encourage invasive non-native species NECR146 2014/05/01
Increasing the Resilience of the UK’s Special Protection Areas to Climate Change NECR202 2016/11/17
Making space for wildlife in a changing climate NE263 2010/01/01
Mayesbrook Park - Green Infrastructure Case Study: Creating the UK’s first climate change park in east London NE394 2013/06/19
Measuring Pro-environmental Behaviour and its Determinants: A quick scoping review of existing closed answer measures and design considerations to inform survey design NECR507 2023/10/25
Measuring the extent to which greenhouse gas emission savings achieved by Environmental Stewardship are displaced on-farm NECR121 2013/09/09
NECR441 Creating a Protected Area Network for nature recovery in England NECR441 2023/08/01
NECR467 Ecologically connected network think piece NECR467 2023/08/01
NECR480 Development of dynamic biodiversity indicators of success for Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) NECR480 2023/08/01
NECR485 Edition 1 Biodiversity targets and whole biodiversity assemblage monitoring for SSSI NECR485 2023/08/31
NECR489 The Impact of Conservation Grazing on GHG emissions NECR489 2024/02/19
NECR490 Agricultural Ponds Review TEP Report NECR490 2023/09/13
NECR495 Edition 1 Review of Peak District Wildfire Risk Assessment 2022 NECR495 2024/02/14
NERR138 Agri-Env Evidence Annual Report 2023 NERR138 2024/08/07
National biodiversity climate change vulnerability model NERR054 2014/02/03
Natural England’s climate change risk assessment and adaptation plan (2012) NE318 2012/01/26
Nature Returns Programme 2023/09/21
  Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme Process Evaluation NECR546 2024/05/09
Ocean acidification: the facts NECR034 2009/12/01
Palaeoecological evidence to inform identification of potential climatic change refugia and areas for ecological restoration NECR163 2014/11/21
Planning for climate change adaptation: North Doddington Farm TIN108 2012/04/04
Proceedings of the 10th National Heathland Conference: Managing Heathlands in the Face of Climate Change NECR014 2009/07/17
Re-evaluating the sensitivity of habitats to climate change NECR478 2023/06/05
Recent evidence from the Lizard Peninsula for the existence of microrefugia NECR279 2020/01/07
Research on the assessment of risks & opportunities for species in England as a result of climate change NECR175 2015/07/22
  Site management and climate change ENRR076 1994/01/03
  Spatial planning for biodiversity in our changing climate ENRR677 2006/01/01
Summary of evidence: Climate change EIN005 2015/03/10
Testing the effectiveness of climate change adaptation principles for biodiversity conservation NECR112 2013/03/21
  The MarClim Project: Key messages for decision makers and policy advisors, and recommendations for future administrative arrangements and management measures ENRR671 2005/12/01
  The implications of climate change for the conservation of beech woodlands and associated flora in the UK ENRR528 2003/01/01
The management of natural coastal carbon sinks NECR033 2009/12/01
The natural environment: adapting to climate change NE118 2009/03/31
  The potential for spread of alien species in England following climatic change ENRR090 1994/10/03
  The role of corridors, stepping stones and islands for species conservation in a changing climate ENRR075 1994/01/03
The role of landscape and site scale characteristics in making species populations resilient to climate change and extreme events NECR149 2015/08/10