This report collates information from the literature on projects where new intertidal
habitats have been created or where existing intertidal habitats have been enhanced. It examines:
- The success or otherwise of the creation of new intertidal habitats in previously terrestrial locations (with particular reference to creeks).
- The success or otherwise of the enhancement of existing mudflats through recharge, in particular by direct capping with marine sediments.
- Details of materials, construction techniques and time scales.
- Details of the stability of sediments and long-term geomorphologic sustainability of newly created and recharged habitats.
- Re-colonisation by intertidal invertebrates and information on changes in their species composition and abundance on created/enhanced intertidal habitats as they develop.
- Time taken for the establishment of feeding bird assemblages on recently created or enhanced intertidal habitats and information on their densities and species composition, with comparative information from adjacent control areas of similar size and nature.