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Birds - conservation and protection

Publications about the conservation and protection of birds Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.

Records for this category

Title Code Published
A Population Viability Analysis Modelling Tool for Seabird Species NECR274 2019/08/12
A future for the Hen Harrier In England? NE140 2009/01/06
A possible extension to the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Special Protection Area TIN172 2015/07/01
A possible marine extension to Hamford Water Special Protection Area (SPA) TIN173 2015/07/01
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds in Northumberland TIN165 2014/07/31
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds in The Greater Wash edition 2 TIN169 2016/10/18
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds within the Solent and along the Dorset Coast TIN166 2014/07/31
A review of Poole Harbour Special Protection Area TIN168 2014/11/06
A review of the Flamborough Head and Bempton Cliffs Special Protection Area TIN121 2012/06/14
A review of the ornithological interest of SSSIs in England NERR015 2008/07/31
  Aerial surveys of waterbirds in the Wash, 2005/06 ENRR708 2006/07/03
  An assessment of the effect on over-wintering ducks of recreation at the Wraysburys and Thorpe Park pits within the SW London waterbodies special protection area 2003 2003/02/28
Analysing change in moorland management in the North York Moors Special Protection Area IPENS066 2015/09/04
Arctic tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN137 2012/11/28
  Aspects of the breeding ecology of twite in the South Pennines ENRR118 1991/01/01
  Assessing behaviour of Lesser Black-backed Gulls from the Ribble and Alt Estuaries SPA using GPS tracking devices RP02972 2018/02/13
Assessment of displacement impacts of offshore windfarms and other human activities on red-throated divers and alcids NECR227 2016/12/12
Assessment of the impacts of the CRoW Act on bird populations: Results from the baseline year of the pilot study, 2006 NECR040 2011/09/12
Assessment of the impacts of the CRoW Act on bird populations: Results on the second season of the Upland Breeding Bird Survey - assessing change between 2006 and 2007 NECR041 2011/09/12
  Assessment of the risk posed by toxic contamination to waterbirds on Special Protection Areas (SPAs) ENRR703 2006/09/19
Atlantic puffin: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN125 2012/06/14
  BD5207: Extensive cattle grazing: what is the best approach to improve species-poor pastures for birds and invertebrates? (Phase 2) RP00196 2016/01/14
  BD5211: Lapwings on agri-environment scheme fallow plots: research to improve lapwing breeding success RP00920 2016/01/14
Balearic shearwater: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN144 2012/11/28
  Birds in England: a natural areas approach ENRR114 1991/01/01
  Birds in England: context and priorities ENRR062 1991/01/01
Black-legged kittiwake: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN128 2012/10/10
Black-throated diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN131 2012/10/10
  Changes in corn bunting distribution on the South Downs in relation to agricultural land use and cereal invertebrates ENRR129 1991/01/01
  Collision, Displacement and Barrier Effect Concept Note RP02866 2015/06/30
Common guillemot: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN123 2012/06/14
Common scoter: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN143 2012/11/28
Common tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN138 2012/11/28
Definition of Favourable Conservation Status for Curlew RP2926 2020/04/14
Definition of Favourable Conservation Status for Dartford Warbler RP2927 2020/04/14
Definition of Favourable Conservation Status for Little Tern RP2929 2020/04/14
Definition of Favourable Conservation Status for Twite RP2932 2020/04/14
Densities of qualifying species within Liverpool Bay Bae Lerpwl SPA: 2015 to 2020 NECR440 2023/06/14
Digital video aerial surveys of red-throated diver in the Outer Thames Estuary Special Protection Area 2018 NECR260 2019/05/17
  Distribution & ecology of wintering grebes and divers in the Falmouth Bay to St Austell Bay pSPA 2014 RP01616 2017/04/20
  Do raptors disturb driven grouse shoots? A study in northern England. ENRR401 2000/09/01
  Effects of reductions in organic and nutrient loading on bird populations in estuaries and coastal waters of England and Wales. Phase 2 report ENRR586 2003/12/01
Establishing marine Special Protection Areas TIN120 2012/06/14
European shag: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN134 2012/11/28
Evidence review of the impact of solar farms on birds, bats and general ecology 2016 NEER012 2017/03/09
  Falmouth Bay to St. Austell Bay pSPA Bird Bycatch Monitoring Report 2013-2016 RP04137 2017/07/25
Falmouth and St.Austell pSPA bird bycatch analysis report year 1 - 2014 NECR231 2017/04/20
Great cormorant: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN140 2012/11/28
Great northern diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN130 2012/10/10
Greater scaup: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN142 2012/11/28
  Habitat requirements of golden plover: A pilot study ENRR001 1992/10/01
  Humber Estuary Low Tide Count Programme 2003-2004 ENRR656 2005/08/12
  Identification Of Wintering Waterfowl High Tide Roosts On The Severn Estuary Sssi/Spa Phase 4 (Gloucestershire, With Part Of South Gloucestershire) RP02966 2018/03/28
Identification of Wintering Wildfowl High Tide Roosts & Recreational Disturbance Impacts on the Taw Torridge Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) NECR281 2019/10/01
  Identification of wintering waterfowl high tide roosts on the Severn Estuary SSSI/SPA (Brean Down to Clevedon) 2015 RP02262 2016/02/11
  Identification of wintering waterfowl roosts in the Severn Estuary SPA/SAC and Ramsar site; Phases 2 and 3 RP02366 2017/02/09
Illustrated guide to grassland condition: Damp tussocky grassland for snipe IN141 2006/10/24
Illustrated guide to grassland condition: Neutral grassland for lapwing IN140 2006/10/24
Illustrated guide to managing farmland for lapwings TIN090 2011/05/06
Illustrated guide to managing lowland wet grassland for snipe TIN089 2011/05/06
  Key habitat attributes for birds and bird assemblages in England-Pt 1 ENRR359 2000/01/01
  LM0301: Reducing the impacts of predation on breeding waders using landscape-scale habitat management RP02991 2016/01/14
  LM0422: Measuring the impact of Environmental Stewardship on Upland Birds using the upland breeding bird survey RP00919 2016/01/14
  LM0436: Responses of farmland birds to eight years of Environmental Stewardship RP01637 2016/01/14
Little gull: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN133 2012/11/28
Little tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN139 2012/11/28
Mersey Narrows and North Wirral Foreshore Sites of Special Scientific Interest - Investigation into the impacts of Recreational Disturbance on Bird Declines NECR201 2015/11/18
NECR483 Edition 1 Identification of Functionally Linked Land in the North West of England – Phase 2 NECR483 2023/11/17
NECR512 Consideration of avoidance behaviour of northern gannet (Morus bassanus) in collision risk modelling for offshore wind farm impact assessments NECR512 2023/09/25
NECR519 Edition 1 Wild take review stakeholder workshops - summary report NECR519 2025/03/06
Non-breeding season populations of seabirds in UK waters: Population sizes for Biologically Defined Minimum Population Scales (BDMPS) NECR164 2015/01/22
Northern fulmar: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN126 2012/06/14
Northern gannet: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN122 2012/06/14
  Numbers and distribution of the wintering golden plover population in and around the Thanet Coast & Sandwich Bay SPA 2002/2003 ENRR569 2004/01/01
Offshore wind farms and birds: incorporating uncertainty in collision risk models: a test of Masden (2015) NECR237 2017/09/28
  Orwell Estuary: systematic review of waterbirds incorporating a report on the effects of the Felixstowe Dock expansion on key wading species at Fagbury ENRR381 2000/09/01
  Orwell Estuary: waterbird count appendices ENRR382 2000/09/01
Pink-footed goose anthropogenic mortality review: avoidance rate review NECR196 2015/10/06
Pink-footed goose anthropogenic mortality review: collision risk modelling NECR197 2015/10/06
Pink-footed goose anthropogenic mortality review: population model NECR198 2015/10/06
Post-mortem analysis of bird corpses from the grounding of the MSC Napoli 2007/03/30
Predicting the mussel food requirements of oystercatchers in the Exe Estuary IPENS025 2015/05/21
Production of a draft modelled marine boundary extension for the Isles of Scilly SPA NECR259 2019/04/02
Proposals for a Special Protection Area between Falmouth Bay and St Austell Bay TIN129 2012/10/10
Proposals for a Special Protection Area on Morecambe Bay and the Duddon Estuary and adjacent coast TIN170 2015/02/17
Proposals for a marine extension to the Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay Special Protection Area TIN167 2016/04/12
Proposals for a marine extension to the Isles of Scilly Special Protection Area (SPA) TIN175 2018/01/10
Proposals for a marine extension to the Outer Thames Estuary Special Protection Area TIN171 2015/07/01
Proposals for an extension of Liverpool Bay/Bae Lerpwl Special Protection Area (SPA) TIN174 2015/07/13
Razorbill: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN124 2012/06/14
Red-throated diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN141 2012/11/28
Return of the red kite - the red kite reintroduction programme in England IN63 2006/10/24
Review and analysis of changes in waterbird use of the Mersey Estuary SPA, Mersey Narrows & North Wirral Foreshore pSPA and Ribble & Alt Estuaries SPA NECR173 2015/05/27
Review of Favourable Conservation Status and Birds Directive Article 2 interpretation within the European Union NECR176 2015/03/17
Roseate tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN136 2012/11/28
  Salisbury Plain SSSI Breeding Bird Survey 2015 RP02380 2017/06/23
Sandwich tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN135 2012/11/28
Slavonian grebe: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN164 2014/01/20
Tern verification surveys for marine sites 2015 NECR212 2016/05/20
  Testing sensitivity of metrics of seabird population response to offshore wind farm impacts RP02997 2016/05/17
  The Red Kite Reintroduction Programme in England ENRR451 2002/04/15
The hen harrier in England IN78 2006/10/24
  The impact of human disturbance on the breeding success of nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus on heathlands in south Dorset, England ENRR483 2003/10/01
  The persecution of raptors in England ENRR343 2000/01/27
  The restoration of the chough in south-west England ENRR456 2002/04/01
  The role of agricultural intensification in the decline of the turtle dove ENRR421 2001/10/01
The role of landscape and site scale characteristics in making species populations resilient to climate change and extreme events NECR149 2015/08/10
  The scientific basis for predator control for bird conservation ENRR144 1996/09/17
The state of the UK's birds 2004 UKB1 2004/01/01
The status of seabirds breeding in the Isles of Scilly 2015 and 2016 RP2934 2020/05/27
  The success of creation and restoration schemes in producing intertidal habitat suitable for waterbirds ENRR425 2001/01/01
  The summer ecology and habitat use of the turtle dove: a pilot study ENRR219 1997/02/04
  Urban development adjacent to heathland sites in Dorset: the effect on the density and settlement patterns of Annex 1 bird species ENRR463 2002/12/02
Waterbird population trend analysis of the Mersey Estuary SPA, Mersey Narrows & North Wirral Foreshore pSPA and Ribble & Alt Estuaries SPA NECR172 2015/05/27
What do we know about the birds and habitats of the North Kent Marshes?: Baseline data collation and analysis NECR082 2011/06/20