The implementation of a wide range of plans or projects can affect the wildlife or habitats for which sites have been designated for their nature conservation importance. This report concentrates on internationally designated sites. Because of the level of protection afforded by law and policy to these sites, especially by the Conservation (Natural Habitats &c) Regulations 1994 (here referred to as the Habitats Regulations) it is uncommon for them to be threatened by a project that would have major adverse effects on them. However, small scale effects are more common.
How the scale of effects on internationally designated nature conservation sites in Britain has been considered in decision making: A review of authoritative decisions (ENRR704)
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ENRR704 part 2, PDF, 104.7 kB | 2011/10/11 |
ENRR704 part 1, PDF, 602.2 kB | 2011/10/11 |