The terms of reference of this 2002 report were to: review existing arrangements for the management of inshore fisheries in UK waters; to provide clear and practicable proposals for incorporating economic, social and environmental objectives in an integrated management regime for inshore fisheries; and to recommend any necessary changes to the institutional and legislative frameworks for inshore fisheries management in England and Wales. It paid particular attention to: the definition and prioritisation of objectives for inshore fisheries management; the disposition of various statutory and non-statutory organisations involved directly or indirectly in the management of inshore waters, including the delimitation of appropriate geographical and functional boundaries, and the relationships between such organisations; the representations of stakeholders’ interests within the institutional framework; the efficacy of existing and alternative regulatory instruments; the provision of adequate and appropriate funding for the relevant organisations to discharge their statutory functions effectively; the development of an appropriate infrastructure for essential research and monitoring in relation to inshore fisheries and their management; and the legislative requirements for an effective and efficient system of inshore fisheries management.
A printed copy of this report is available from our Enquiry Service. Tel: 0845 600 3078 Email: