Large-scale offshore wind farm (OWF) developments have the potential to interact with benthic species and habitats of conservation importance. The expansion of offshore wind in English waters will increase the cumulative risk of adverse effects on the integrity of protected sites and species populations in the UK. It may also not be possible to avoid or mitigate against adverse effects on designated sites. Under these circumstances, the provision of compensatory measures will be required, where a project is consented in the knowledge that the overall coherence of the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network is maintained. This project aims to identify benthic habitats that, whilst not classified as the same, have a similar or identical ecological function and ecosystem service provision to one another. Should it not be possible to rule out an adverse effect on one designated site/feature, it may be possible to consider habitats identified as similar for the delivery of compensatory measures. This work is intended to aid Natural England in providing advice to developers and regulatory authorities on potential compensation measures for benthic habitats; noting that specific measures would need to be developed on a case-by-case basis.