The aim of this project was to produce a suite of England-wide natural capital maps, at a 1km scale. To be made available on dedicated pages on the CEH website for partnerships to cut to their project boundary. This project builds on NERR056 ‘Assessing the potential for mapping ecosystem services in England based on existing habitats’. It is a collaborative project with CEH, using their EcoMap tool and incorporating additional datasets (including CEH Countryside Survey sample data) to produce maps of natural capital of increased accuracy locally. EcoMap will also produce confidence level maps to accompany the natural capital maps.
Project details
Start date | 2015-04-01 |
End date | 2017-03-31 |
Project spend | £30,000.00 |
Closing statement
This project has produced 10 England-wide maps of natural capital at a 1 km scale. This project has been delivered with CEH and has used their Ecomaps statistical modelling tool to extrapolate up from sample data (including CEH Countryside Survey data) to a national scale. Each map is accompanied by a brief report explaining what the map shows and how it was produced. The maps and reports are made publically available, as images and map data, to view and download through dedicated CEH web-pages. The collaboration with CEH on this project has gone very well.