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Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: Headline report for the 2015-16 survey (JP022)

This report presents the headline findings for the seventh year of MENE fieldwork conducted between March 2015 to February 2016, with comparisons to previous surveys as appropriate.

A separate report that looks more deeply at urban greenspaces using the MENE survey data will follow and is due to be published later in 2017.
Published alongside this report are:

  • A Technical Report providing full details of the survey methodology, sampling, grossing and weighting and estimates of confidence intervals (JP023)
  • An electronic data table viewer: an interactive tool which allows detailed analysis of the MENE dataset.

Please see GOV.UK for further outputs from the survey


Related Access to Evidence records

Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment 2009-19: Datasets and guidance on use (DATA001)
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: Technical report to the 2009-16 surveys (JP023)