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Species Recovery Programme. Survey for the cranefly (Lipsothrix nigristigma) in 2000 (ENRR410)

The cranefly Lipsothrix nigristigma is only known from the type specimen taken in Lancashire in 1924 and from two localities near Telford in 1994. For the purposes of this survey, the two sites from which Lipsothrix nigristigma Edwards 1938 was recorded in 1994 were resurveyed along with twenty or so similar sites in Shropshire and Montgomeryshire. The target species was located at eight (possibly nine) sites. The majority of sites are centred on southwest Telford with only two outlying sites. Cranefly species were collected from all the sites and a list of species is provided. Three other species of Lipsothrix were recorded, namely Lipsothrix errans, L. nervosa and L. remota. Several other RDB, Nationally scarce and BAP craneflies and other Diptera were observed or taken during the survey. The most significant of these is the recording of the very rare (Red Data Book 2) hoverfly Chalcosyrphus eunotus from five sites. Lipsothrix nigristigma (and the other BAP Lipsothrix species) indicate the value of retaining coarse woody debris in watercourses and are good flagship species for this habitat. The objectives of the survey were to: survey for Lipsothrix nigristigma at the known sites and at least 20 other similar sites; collect environmental variables that help to define the habitat requirements of Lipsothrix or habitats occupied; identify strong populations where more detailed autecological work can be undertaken in future; write a detailed species action plan that will lead to meeting the objectives in the published plan.

A printed copy of this old English Nature report is available from our Enquiry Service. Tel: 0845 600 3078 Email:

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