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Natural England Information Notes

Information and guidance notes on scientific and technical issues, including practical advice to help our staff, partners and others implement work. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.

Records for this category

Title Code Published
A national climate change vulnerability assessment TIN095 2011/05/06
A possible extension to the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Special Protection Area TIN172 2015/07/01
A possible marine extension to Hamford Water Special Protection Area (SPA) TIN173 2015/07/01
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds in Northumberland TIN165 2014/07/31
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds in The Greater Wash edition 2 TIN169 2016/10/18
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds within the Solent and along the Dorset Coast TIN166 2014/07/31
A review of Poole Harbour Special Protection Area TIN168 2014/11/06
A review of the Flamborough Head and Bempton Cliffs Special Protection Area TIN121 2012/06/14
Agricultural Land Classification: protecting the best and most versatile agricultural land TIN049 2009/01/13
An estimate of the value and cost effectiveness of the expanded Walking the Way to Health Initiative scheme 2009 TIN055 2009/07/10
An evidence base for setting organic pollution targets to protect river habitat TIN076 2010/11/11
Arable reversion and climate change: Humberhead Peatlands case study TIN109 2012/04/04
Arctic tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN137 2012/11/28
Assessing the utility of land sharing and land sparing for birds, butterflies and ecosystem services in lowland England NECR280 2021/01/20
  Assessing whether created or restored grassland is a BAP Priority Habitat TIN110 2012/06/22
Assessment of the Condition of Features in Marine Protected Areas TIN178 2020/12/07
Atlantic puffin: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN125 2012/06/14
Balearic shearwater: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN144 2012/11/28
Bats and onshore wind turbines (Interim guidance) TIN051 2012/02/29
Black-legged kittiwake: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN128 2012/10/10
Black-throated diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN131 2012/10/10
Bracken SIN011 2008/10/16
Bracken management and control TIN048 2008/10/16
Bracken management: ecological, archaeological and landscape issues and priorities TIN047 2008/10/16
  Chesil and the Fleet SAC or Chesil Beach and the Fleet SPA - Evidence Pack TIN187 2022/08/02
Chief Scientist Report to NE Board – March 2019 CSR4 2019/03/26
Common guillemot: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN123 2012/06/14
Common scoter: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN143 2012/11/28
Common tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN138 2012/11/28
Connection to Nature EIN068 2022/11/07
Defining Favourable Conservation Status in England EIN062 2023/08/14
Establishing marine Special Protection Areas TIN120 2012/06/14
  Esthwaite Ramsar - Evidence Pack TIN188 2022/08/02
European shag: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN134 2012/11/28
Favourable Conservation Status Definitions TIN180 2021/06/09
GCN District Level Licensing Framework TIN176 2019/07/17
Great cormorant: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN140 2012/11/28
Great northern diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN130 2012/10/10
Greater scaup: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN142 2012/11/28
Guidance on dealing with the changing distribution of tree species TIN053 2009/03/05
Guidelines for monitoring peatland restoration TIN097 2011/09/02
Health & Safety Guidance for Voluntary Bat Roost Visitors manual handling TIN161 2013/11/13
Health & Safety Guidance for Voluntary Bat Roost Visitors: restricted spaces TIN160 2013/11/13
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: animal related disease TIN157 2013/10/29
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: churches, older buildings, spires and bell towers TIN156 2013/10/29
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: dangerous and hazardous substances TIN155 2013/10/29
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: dealing with violence and aggression TIN153 2013/10/29
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: driving TIN158 2013/10/29
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: lone working TIN154 2013/10/29
Health & safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) TIN159 2014/01/16
Health & safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: risk management TIN163 2014/01/16
Health & safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: working at height and use of ladders TIN162 2014/01/16
  Hornsea Mere - Evidence Pack TIN189 2022/08/02
How the Natural Environment can support Children and Young People EIN067 2022/11/07
  How to grow nectar flower mixtures TIN094 2011/05/06
Illustrated guide to lowland chalk and limestone grassland TIN082 2010/11/12
Illustrated guide to managing farmland for lapwings TIN090 2011/05/06
Illustrated guide to managing historic environment features TIN086 2010/11/12
Illustrated guide to managing lowland wet grassland for snipe TIN089 2011/05/06
Illustrated guide to managing neutral pasture for wildlife TIN088 2011/05/06
Illustrated guide to ponds and scrapes TIN079 2010/11/12
Illustrated guide to purple moorgrass and rush pasture TIN084 2010/11/12
Illustrated guide to trees, woodlands and scrub TIN078 2010/11/12
Illustrated guide to upland limestone grassland TIN083 2010/11/12
Illustrated guide to water courses beside grassland TIN081 2010/11/12
Included outside: Engaging older people in nature TIN184 2022/09/06
Included outside: Engaging people from ethnic minority backgrounds in nature TIN185 2022/09/06
Included outside: Engaging people living in low-income areas in nature TIN183 2022/09/06
Included outside: Engaging people living with disabilities in nature TIN182 2022/09/06
Introduction to the scenarios compendium TIN077 2011/03/10
  Lindisfarne Special Protection Area and Ramsar - Evidence Pack TIN190 2022/08/02
Links between natural environments and mental health EIN065 2022/11/07
Links between natural environments and physical health EIN066 2022/11/07
Links between natural environments, learning and health: evidence briefing EIN063 2022/09/26
Little gull: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN133 2012/11/28
Little tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN139 2012/11/28
  Managing geological specimen collecting TIN111 2012/07/04
Managing geological specimen collecting: Caldbeck Fells case study TIN127 2012/07/04
Managing geological specimen collecting: Charmouth case study TIN114 2012/07/04
Managing geological specimen collecting: Fowlmead Country Park case study TIN115 2012/07/04
Managing geological specimen collecting: Whittlesey Brick Pits and King’s Dyke Nature Reserve case study TIN117 2012/07/04
Managing geological specimen collecting: Wren’s Nest case study TIN118 2012/07/04
Managing geological specimen collecting: Writhlington case study TIN119 2012/07/04
  Managing geological specimen collecting: caves TIN113 2012/07/04
Managing geological specimen collecting: responsible collecting TIN112 2012/07/04
Managing geological specimen collecting: rock coring TIN116 2012/07/04
Marine Recreation Evidence Briefing notes - windsurfing and kitesurfing EIN025 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Motorised personal watercraft EIN026 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Motorised watercraft (powerboating and sailing with an engine) EIN027 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Non-motorised watercraft including paddlesports EIN028 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Surfing EIN029 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Wildlife watching EIN030 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: coasteering EIN037 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: diving and snorkelling EIN036 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: drones EIN035 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: general beach life EIN034 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: hovercraft EIN031 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: light aircraft EIN032 2017/11/27
Marine recreation evidence briefing: motorised and non-motorised land vehicles EIN033 2017/11/27
Maritime Cliff and Slope Inventory: MapInfo table Specification TIN010 2007/10/15
Maritime Cliff and Slope Inventory: digitising guidelines and QA procedures TIN011 2007/10/15
Methodology for Natural England evidence information notes EIN065, EIN066, EIN067 and EIN068 EIN069 2022/11/07
National Vegetation Classification: MG5 grassland TIN147 2013/04/02
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 1 Natural Capital and Ecosystem Approach Checklist EIN051 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 10 Managing Ecosystem Services Evidence Review (MESER) EIN060 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 11 Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2) EIN061 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 3 Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots EIN053 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 4 Natural Capital Indicators EIN054 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 5 Natural Capital Atlases: Mapping Indicators EIN055 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 6 Accounting for National Nature Reserves EIN056 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 7 Natural Capital Account for the Tees Valley EIN057 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 8 People and Nature Survey EIN058 2021/03/08
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 9 North Devon Landscape Pioneer EIN059 2021/03/08
Natural England Evidence Statement Regarding Kittiwake Count Data Used to Classify the Flamborough Head & Bempton Cliffs SPA EIN050 2020/11/03
Natural England’s Approach to Offshore Wind: Our ambitions, aims and objectives TIN181 2021/06/16
Northern fulmar: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN126 2012/06/14
Northern gannet: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN122 2012/06/14
Nutrient Neutrality Principles TIN186 2023/07/28
  Oak Mere Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN191 2022/08/02
  Peak District Dales Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN192 2022/08/02
Planning for climate change adaptation: North Doddington Farm TIN108 2012/04/04
  Poole Harbour Special Protection Area and Ramsar - Catchment Map TIN207 2022/08/02
Proposals for a Special Protection Area between Falmouth Bay and St Austell Bay TIN129 2012/10/10
Proposals for a Special Protection Area on Morecambe Bay and the Duddon Estuary and adjacent coast TIN170 2015/02/17
Proposals for a marine extension to the Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay Special Protection Area TIN167 2016/04/12
Proposals for a marine extension to the Isles of Scilly Special Protection Area (SPA) TIN175 2018/01/10
Proposals for a marine extension to the Outer Thames Estuary Special Protection Area TIN171 2015/07/01
Proposals for an extension of Liverpool Bay/Bae Lerpwl Special Protection Area (SPA) TIN174 2015/07/13
Razorbill: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN124 2012/06/14
Red-throated diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN141 2012/11/28
  Reptile mitigation guidelines TIN102 2011/09/09
  River Avon Special Area of Conservation - Catchment Map TIN208 2022/08/02
  River Axe Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN193 2022/08/02
  River Camel Special Area of Conservation - Catchment Map TIN209 2022/08/02
  River Clun Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN194 2022/08/02
  River Derwent and Bassenthwaite Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN195 2022/08/02
  River Eden Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN196 2022/08/02
  River Itchen Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN197 2022/08/02
  River Kent Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN198 2022/08/02
  River Lambourn Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN199 2022/08/02
  River Lugg Special Area of Conservation - Catchment Map TIN210 2022/08/02
  River Mease Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN200 2022/08/02
  River Wensum Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN201 2022/08/02
  Roman Walls Loughs Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN202 2022/08/02
Roseate tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN136 2012/11/28
  Rostherne Mere Ramsar - Evidence Pack TIN203 2022/08/02
Sandwich tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN135 2012/11/28
  Seed sources for grassland restoration and re-creation in Environmental stewardship TIN038 2008/03/06
Slavonian grebe: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations TIN164 2014/01/20
Soil sampling for habitat recreation and restoration TIN035 2008/02/21
Soil texture TIN037 2008/02/21
  Solar parks: maximising environmental benefits TIN101 2011/09/09
Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar - Catchment Map TIN213 2022/11/24
  Stodmarsh Special Area of Conservation/Ramsar - Catchment Map TIN212 2022/08/02
  Strategic Solutions: Nutrient Neutrality 2022/08/02
TIN216 Edition 2 Environment Act Interim Target for protected sites TIN216 2024/02/01
TIN218 English seabird conservation and recovery pathway, Summary of technical report TIN218 2024/08/06
  Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Special Protection Area/Ramsar - Evidence Pack TIN204 2022/08/02
  The Broads Special Area of Conservation (SAC)/Ramsar - Evidence Pack TIN205 2022/08/02
  The Moorland Change Map TIN179 2021/02/12
  The Solent - Catchment Map TIN211 2022/08/02
The historic environment and woodland management TIN001 2009/03/11
Traditional orchards: a summary TIN012 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: an introduction to pruning TIN015 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: formative pruning of young trees TIN016 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: fruit tree health TIN019 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: glossary TIN021 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: maintenance pruning TIN017 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: orchards and wildlife TIN020 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: planting and establishing fruit trees TIN014 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: restoring and managing mature and neglected orchards TIN018 2010/10/19
Traditional orchards: site and tree selection TIN013 2010/10/19
  West Midland Mosses Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack TIN206 2022/08/02
  Wildlife Licences and High Speed 2 Information Note 2021/06/28