A national climate change vulnerability assessment
TIN095 |
2011/05/06 |
A possible extension to the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Special Protection Area
TIN172 |
2015/07/01 |
A possible marine extension to Hamford Water Special Protection Area (SPA)
TIN173 |
2015/07/01 |
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds in Northumberland
TIN165 |
2014/07/31 |
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds in The Greater Wash edition 2
TIN169 |
2016/10/18 |
A possible new marine Special Protection Area for birds within the Solent and along the Dorset Coast
TIN166 |
2014/07/31 |
A review of Poole Harbour Special Protection Area
TIN168 |
2014/11/06 |
A review of the Flamborough Head and Bempton Cliffs Special Protection Area
TIN121 |
2012/06/14 |
Agricultural Land Classification: protecting the best and most versatile agricultural land
TIN049 |
2009/01/13 |
An estimate of the value and cost effectiveness of the expanded Walking the Way to Health Initiative scheme 2009
TIN055 |
2009/07/10 |
An evidence base for setting organic pollution targets to protect river habitat
TIN076 |
2010/11/11 |
Arable reversion and climate change: Humberhead Peatlands case study
TIN109 |
2012/04/04 |
Arctic tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN137 |
2012/11/28 |
Assessing the utility of land sharing and land sparing for birds, butterflies and ecosystem services in lowland England
NECR280 |
2021/01/20 |
Assessing whether created or restored grassland is a BAP Priority Habitat
TIN110 |
2012/06/22 |
Assessment of the Condition of Features in Marine Protected Areas
TIN178 |
2020/12/07 |
Atlantic puffin: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN125 |
2012/06/14 |
Balearic shearwater: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN144 |
2012/11/28 |
Bats and onshore wind turbines (Interim guidance)
TIN051 |
2012/02/29 |
Black-legged kittiwake: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN128 |
2012/10/10 |
Black-throated diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN131 |
2012/10/10 |
SIN011 |
2008/10/16 |
Bracken management and control
TIN048 |
2008/10/16 |
Bracken management: ecological, archaeological and landscape issues and priorities
TIN047 |
2008/10/16 |
Chesil and the Fleet SAC or Chesil Beach and the Fleet SPA - Evidence Pack
TIN187 |
2022/08/02 |
Chief Scientist Report to NE Board – March 2019
CSR4 |
2019/03/26 |
Common guillemot: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN123 |
2012/06/14 |
Common scoter: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN143 |
2012/11/28 |
Common tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN138 |
2012/11/28 |
Connection to Nature
EIN068 |
2022/11/07 |
Defining Favourable Conservation Status in England
EIN062 |
2023/08/14 |
Establishing marine Special Protection Areas
TIN120 |
2012/06/14 |
Esthwaite Ramsar - Evidence Pack
TIN188 |
2022/08/02 |
European shag: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN134 |
2012/11/28 |
Favourable Conservation Status Definitions
TIN180 |
2021/06/09 |
GCN District Level Licensing Framework
TIN176 |
2019/07/17 |
Great cormorant: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN140 |
2012/11/28 |
Great northern diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN130 |
2012/10/10 |
Greater scaup: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN142 |
2012/11/28 |
Guidance on dealing with the changing distribution of tree species
TIN053 |
2009/03/05 |
Guidelines for monitoring peatland restoration
TIN097 |
2011/09/02 |
Health & Safety Guidance for Voluntary Bat Roost Visitors manual handling
TIN161 |
2013/11/13 |
Health & Safety Guidance for Voluntary Bat Roost Visitors: restricted spaces
TIN160 |
2013/11/13 |
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: animal related disease
TIN157 |
2013/10/29 |
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: churches, older buildings, spires and bell towers
TIN156 |
2013/10/29 |
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: dangerous and hazardous substances
TIN155 |
2013/10/29 |
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: dealing with violence and aggression
TIN153 |
2013/10/29 |
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: driving
TIN158 |
2013/10/29 |
Health & Safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: lone working
TIN154 |
2013/10/29 |
Health & safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
TIN159 |
2014/01/16 |
Health & safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: risk management
TIN163 |
2014/01/16 |
Health & safety guidance for voluntary bat roost visitors: working at height and use of ladders
TIN162 |
2014/01/16 |
Hornsea Mere - Evidence Pack
TIN189 |
2022/08/02 |
How the Natural Environment can support Children and Young People
EIN067 |
2022/11/07 |
How to grow nectar flower mixtures
TIN094 |
2011/05/06 |
Illustrated guide to lowland chalk and limestone grassland
TIN082 |
2010/11/12 |
Illustrated guide to managing farmland for lapwings
TIN090 |
2011/05/06 |
Illustrated guide to managing historic environment features
TIN086 |
2010/11/12 |
Illustrated guide to managing lowland wet grassland for snipe
TIN089 |
2011/05/06 |
Illustrated guide to managing neutral pasture for wildlife
TIN088 |
2011/05/06 |
Illustrated guide to ponds and scrapes
TIN079 |
2010/11/12 |
Illustrated guide to purple moorgrass and rush pasture
TIN084 |
2010/11/12 |
Illustrated guide to trees, woodlands and scrub
TIN078 |
2010/11/12 |
Illustrated guide to upland limestone grassland
TIN083 |
2010/11/12 |
Illustrated guide to water courses beside grassland
TIN081 |
2010/11/12 |
Included outside: Engaging older people in nature
TIN184 |
2022/09/06 |
Included outside: Engaging people from ethnic minority backgrounds in nature
TIN185 |
2022/09/06 |
Included outside: Engaging people living in low-income areas in nature
TIN183 |
2022/09/06 |
Included outside: Engaging people living with disabilities in nature
TIN182 |
2022/09/06 |
Introduction to the scenarios compendium
TIN077 |
2011/03/10 |
Lindisfarne Special Protection Area and Ramsar - Evidence Pack
TIN190 |
2022/08/02 |
Links between natural environments and mental health
EIN065 |
2022/11/07 |
Links between natural environments and physical health
EIN066 |
2022/11/07 |
Links between natural environments, learning and health: evidence briefing
EIN063 |
2022/09/26 |
Little gull: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN133 |
2012/11/28 |
Little tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN139 |
2012/11/28 |
Managing geological specimen collecting
TIN111 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: Caldbeck Fells case study
TIN127 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: Charmouth case study
TIN114 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: Fowlmead Country Park case study
TIN115 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: Whittlesey Brick Pits and King’s Dyke Nature Reserve case study
TIN117 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: Wren’s Nest case study
TIN118 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: Writhlington case study
TIN119 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: caves
TIN113 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: responsible collecting
TIN112 |
2012/07/04 |
Managing geological specimen collecting: rock coring
TIN116 |
2012/07/04 |
Marine Recreation Evidence Briefing notes - windsurfing and kitesurfing
EIN025 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Motorised personal watercraft
EIN026 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Motorised watercraft (powerboating and sailing with an engine)
EIN027 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Non-motorised watercraft including paddlesports
EIN028 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Surfing
EIN029 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: Wildlife watching
EIN030 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: coasteering
EIN037 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: diving and snorkelling
EIN036 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: drones
EIN035 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: general beach life
EIN034 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: hovercraft
EIN031 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: light aircraft
EIN032 |
2017/11/27 |
Marine recreation evidence briefing: motorised and non-motorised land vehicles
EIN033 |
2017/11/27 |
Maritime Cliff and Slope Inventory: MapInfo table Specification
TIN010 |
2007/10/15 |
Maritime Cliff and Slope Inventory: digitising guidelines and QA procedures
TIN011 |
2007/10/15 |
Methodology for Natural England evidence information notes EIN065, EIN066, EIN067 and EIN068
EIN069 |
2022/11/07 |
National Vegetation Classification: MG5 grassland
TIN147 |
2013/04/02 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 1 Natural Capital and Ecosystem Approach Checklist
EIN051 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 10 Managing Ecosystem Services Evidence Review (MESER)
EIN060 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 11 Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2)
EIN061 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 3 Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots
EIN053 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 4 Natural Capital Indicators
EIN054 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 5 Natural Capital Atlases: Mapping Indicators
EIN055 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 6 Accounting for National Nature Reserves
EIN056 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 7 Natural Capital Account for the Tees Valley
EIN057 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 8 People and Nature Survey
EIN058 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 9 North Devon Landscape Pioneer
EIN059 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural England Evidence Statement Regarding Kittiwake Count Data Used to Classify the Flamborough Head & Bempton Cliffs SPA
EIN050 |
2020/11/03 |
Natural England’s Approach to Offshore Wind: Our ambitions, aims and objectives
TIN181 |
2021/06/16 |
Northern fulmar: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN126 |
2012/06/14 |
Northern gannet: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN122 |
2012/06/14 |
Nutrient Neutrality Principles
TIN186 |
2023/07/28 |
Oak Mere Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN191 |
2022/08/02 |
Peak District Dales Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN192 |
2022/08/02 |
Planning for climate change adaptation: North Doddington Farm
TIN108 |
2012/04/04 |
Poole Harbour Special Protection Area and Ramsar - Catchment Map
TIN207 |
2022/08/02 |
Proposals for a Special Protection Area between Falmouth Bay and St Austell Bay
TIN129 |
2012/10/10 |
Proposals for a Special Protection Area on Morecambe Bay and the Duddon Estuary and adjacent coast
TIN170 |
2015/02/17 |
Proposals for a marine extension to the Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay Special Protection Area
TIN167 |
2016/04/12 |
Proposals for a marine extension to the Isles of Scilly Special Protection Area (SPA)
TIN175 |
2018/01/10 |
Proposals for a marine extension to the Outer Thames Estuary Special Protection Area
TIN171 |
2015/07/01 |
Proposals for an extension of Liverpool Bay/Bae Lerpwl Special Protection Area (SPA)
TIN174 |
2015/07/13 |
Razorbill: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN124 |
2012/06/14 |
Red-throated diver: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN141 |
2012/11/28 |
Reptile mitigation guidelines
TIN102 |
2011/09/09 |
River Avon Special Area of Conservation - Catchment Map
TIN208 |
2022/08/02 |
River Axe Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN193 |
2022/08/02 |
River Camel Special Area of Conservation - Catchment Map
TIN209 |
2022/08/02 |
River Clun Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN194 |
2022/08/02 |
River Derwent and Bassenthwaite Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN195 |
2022/08/02 |
River Eden Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN196 |
2022/08/02 |
River Itchen Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN197 |
2022/08/02 |
River Kent Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN198 |
2022/08/02 |
River Lambourn Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN199 |
2022/08/02 |
River Lugg Special Area of Conservation - Catchment Map
TIN210 |
2022/08/02 |
River Mease Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN200 |
2022/08/02 |
River Wensum Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN201 |
2022/08/02 |
Roman Walls Loughs Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN202 |
2022/08/02 |
Roseate tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN136 |
2012/11/28 |
Rostherne Mere Ramsar - Evidence Pack
TIN203 |
2022/08/02 |
Sandwich tern: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN135 |
2012/11/28 |
Seed sources for grassland restoration and re-creation in Environmental stewardship
TIN038 |
2008/03/06 |
Slavonian grebe: species information for marine Special Protection Area consultations
TIN164 |
2014/01/20 |
Soil sampling for habitat recreation and restoration
TIN035 |
2008/02/21 |
Soil texture
TIN037 |
2008/02/21 |
Solar parks: maximising environmental benefits
TIN101 |
2011/09/09 |
Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar - Catchment Map
TIN213 |
2022/11/24 |
Stodmarsh Special Area of Conservation/Ramsar - Catchment Map
TIN212 |
2022/08/02 |
Strategic Solutions: Nutrient Neutrality
2022/08/02 |
TIN216 Edition 2 Environment Act Interim Target for protected sites
TIN216 |
2024/02/01 |
TIN217 Edition 1 Wild take for falconry and bird of prey genetics
TIN217 |
2025/03/06 |
TIN218 English seabird conservation and recovery pathway, Summary of technical report
TIN218 |
2024/08/06 |
TIN222 Edition 1 Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS): LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES: Lessons learned and good practice
TIN222 |
2024/11/18 |
Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Special Protection Area/Ramsar - Evidence Pack
TIN204 |
2022/08/02 |
The Broads Special Area of Conservation (SAC)/Ramsar - Evidence Pack
TIN205 |
2022/08/02 |
The Moorland Change Map
TIN179 |
2021/02/12 |
The Solent - Catchment Map
TIN211 |
2022/08/02 |
The historic environment and woodland management
TIN001 |
2009/03/11 |
Traditional orchards: a summary
TIN012 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: an introduction to pruning
TIN015 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: formative pruning of young trees
TIN016 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: fruit tree health
TIN019 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: glossary
TIN021 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: maintenance pruning
TIN017 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: orchards and wildlife
TIN020 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: planting and establishing fruit trees
TIN014 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: restoring and managing mature and neglected orchards
TIN018 |
2010/10/19 |
Traditional orchards: site and tree selection
TIN013 |
2010/10/19 |
West Midland Mosses Special Area of Conservation - Evidence Pack
TIN206 |
2022/08/02 |
Wildlife Licences and High Speed 2 Information Note
2021/06/28 |