Records for
Customer based categorisation for records.
Birds of Prey
Raptors, falcons and hawks
Publications for non agricultural businesses including developers.
Conservation site managers
Publications for managers of conservation sites.
Countryside visitors
Publications and information for people visiting the countryside.
Farmers and land managers
Publications and products for farmers and landowners.
Fishermen and marine stakeholders
Publications relevant to fishermen and marine stakeholders.
Forecasting new thinking
Local authorities and planners
Authorities and statutory bodies.
Marine Conservation Zones MCZ
Marine Conservation Zones MCZ
Nutrient neutrality category
SSSI owners and occupiers
Publications for SSSI owners and occupiers.
Specialist consultants
Ecological and other advisers and consultants, including those assessing impact and mitigation proposals.
Teachers and students
Resources and publications for teachers and school children.
Urban land managers, householders, builders
Publications related to buildings, urban areas and individual properties.
Voluntary Bat Roost Visitors
Information and guidance for Natural England Voluntary Bat Roost Visitors (VBRV)
Use when water is part of research work
Wild take
Taking BoP from the wild