A Natural Capital Account for the Tees Valley: An exploration of natural capital accounting for County and City Regions
NERR096 |
2021/09/10 |
A Natural Capital Strategy for North Devon
NERR083 |
2020/05/21 |
A Review of the Environmental Capital Approach in the New Approach to Transport Appraisal
NERR016 |
2008/11/25 |
A narrative for conserving freshwater and wetland habitats in England
NERR064 |
2016/03/18 |
A review of the Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) survey
NERR058 |
2014/06/30 |
A review of the ornithological interest of SSSIs in England
NERR015 |
2008/07/31 |
A review of the revision of the Ancient Woodland Inventory in the South East
NERR042 |
2011/08/04 |
Accounting for National Nature Reserves: A Natural Capital Account of the National Nature Reserves managed by Natural England
NERR078 |
2019/02/21 |
Agreement holder participation in the self-assessment of Higher Level Stewardship agreements
NERR048 |
2013/08/06 |
Agri-Environment Evidence Annual Report 2018/19
NERR085 |
2020/10/01 |
Agri-Environment Evidence Annual Report 2021
NERR104 |
2021/11/23 |
Agri-Environment Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Annual Report 2016/17
NERR074 |
2018/05/09 |
Agri-Environment Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Annual Report 2017/18 - A summary of findings from recently published projects
NERR079 |
2019/08/01 |
Agri-environment evidence annual report 2022
NERR126 |
2023/02/09 |
An assessment of evidence supporting a programme of wetland restoration projects in the New Forest Site of Special Scientific Interest
NERR066 |
2016/11/08 |
An assessment of evidence supporting a programme of wetland restoration projects in the New Forest Site of Special Scientific Interest: Assurance Report
NERR067 |
2016/11/08 |
An evidence base for setting flow targets to protect river habitat
NERR035 |
2011/01/10 |
An evidence base for setting nutrient targets to protect river habitat
NERR034 |
2010/11/11 |
Applying a Natural Capital Approach in Practice: Lessons Learned from the North Devon Landscape Pioneer
NERR089 |
2021/01/28 |
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England's landscapes: South East Northumberland
NERR045 |
2013/06/27 |
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England’s landscapes: Humberhead Levels
NERR050 |
2013/08/16 |
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England’s landscapes: North Kent
NERR052 |
2013/11/05 |
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England’s landscapes: Sherwood
NERR049 |
2013/08/16 |
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for England’s landscapes: the South Downs National Park
NERR051 |
2013/09/02 |
Assessing the potential for mapping ecosystem services in England based on existing habitats
NERR056 |
2014/09/05 |
Baseline vegetation validation (site checks) surveys, 2019
NERR091 |
2021/02/15 |
Bat Earned Recognition Monitoring and Evaluation Report
NERR128 |
2022/11/28 |
Biodiversity studies of six traditional orchards in England
NERR025 |
2009/04/23 |
Botanical Heatmaps and the Botanical Value Map: Technical Report
NERR110 |
2022/06/09 |
Carbon Management by Land and Marine Managers
NERR026 |
2008/11/27 |
Carbon Storage and Sequestration by Habitat 2021
NERR094 |
2021/04/20 |
Carbon storage by habitat: Review of the evidence of the impacts of management decisions and condition of carbon stores and sources
NERR043 |
2012/05/29 |
Children and the natural environment: experiences, influences and interventions - Summary
NERR040 |
2011/03/24 |
Condition review of Chichester Harbour sites: intertidal, subtidal and bird features
NERR090 |
2021/02/23 |
Core reef approach to Sabellaria spinulosa reef management in The Wash and North Norfolk Coast SAC and The Wash approaches
NERR065 |
2016/05/16 |
Crop Wild Relatives: Plant conservation for food security
NERR037 |
2011/01/25 |
Current Marine and Coastal Issues for North East Kent: Proceedings of the third North East Kent Coastal Conference 9 November 2006
NERR029 |
2008/12/19 |
Delivering the ecosystem approach on the ground – an evaluation of the upland ecosystem service pilots
NERR046 |
2012/12/07 |
Developing a measure of High Nature Value Farmland (HNVF) for the Rural Development Programme for England NERR068
NERR068 |
2017/06/19 |
Development of guideline sediment targets to support management of sediment inputs into aquatic systems
NERR008 |
2008/04/07 |
Distribution and Extent of Zostera beds: Roa Island and Foulney Island
NERR103 |
2021/11/30 |
England Green Infrastructure Mapping Database
NERR105 |
2021/12/07 |
England’s Natural Environment in 2060 – issues, implications and scenarios
NERR031 |
2009/11/26 |
Environmental impacts of land management
NERR030 |
2009/09/22 |
European Marine Site Risk Review
NERR038 |
2010/11/22 |
Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots: Bassenthwaite
NERR077 |
2018/09/10 |
Field assessment of great crested newt Triturus critatus mitigation projects in England
NERR001 |
2007/07/03 |
Financial Mapping in the North Devon Landscape Pioneer
NECR344 |
2021/02/25 |
Framework for monitoring environmental outcomes in protected landscapes
NERR055 |
2014/03/31 |
Freshwater Non-native Species Management Initiatives: Pilot Project
NERR023 |
2008/12/08 |
Generating more integrated biodiversity objectives – rationale, principles and practice
NERR071 |
2018/03/29 |
Geomorphological assessment of riverine SSSIs for the strategic planning of physical restoration
NERR013 |
2008/07/29 |
Good practice in sustainable leisure travel: Twenty case studies
NERR021 |
2008/10/06 |
Green Exercise Programme Evaluation
NERR039 |
2011/03/29 |
Habitat mapping and monitoring of allis shad on the River Tamar
NERR1947 |
2020/11/03 |
Human impacts on Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ: Chalk complexity and population dynamics of commercial crustaceans
NERR04412 |
2020/10/27 |
Impact of heathland restoration and re-creation techniques on soil characteristics and the historical environment
NERR010 |
2008/03/28 |
Improvement Programme for England’s Natura 2000 Sites (IPENS) Programme Scoping: identifying key issues affecting Natura 2000 sites and priorities for the IPENS project
NERR053 |
2013/12/19 |
Integrated Site Assessments 2013/14: A report on Natural England’s assessments of Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Higher Level Stewardship agreement
NERR061 |
2015/10/09 |
Investigating the potential increase in health costs due to a decline in access to greenspace: an exploratory study
NERR062 |
2016/02/23 |
Investigations into the use of critical sediment yields for assessing and managing fine sediment inputs into freshwater ecosystems
NERR007 |
2008/04/07 |
Is Corporate Natural Capital Accounting appropriate for monitoring nature reserves? An assessment for National Nature Reserves managed by Natural England
NERR072 |
2017/10/30 |
Is the management of Local Wildlife Sites affected by the urban fringe?
NERR063 |
2016/02/08 |
Isles of Scilly SAC: Intertidal Under-Boulder Communities Survey 2011
NERR059 |
2014/11/11 |
Less management prescription, more outcome focus - Making Environmental Stewardship More Effective (MESME) trialling project
NERR047 |
2013/07/29 |
Living England: Satellite-based habitat classification- Technical User Guide
NERR108 |
2022/03/31 |
Local Geodiversity Action Plans: a review of progress
NERR027 |
2008/12/19 |
Managing for species: Integrating the needs of England’s priority species into habitat management
NERR024 |
2010/01/15 |
Maritime cliff and slope inventory 2004/2005
NERR003 |
2007/11/05 |
Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment - review
NERR033 |
2012/03/01 |
Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2)
NERR057 |
2014/06/09 |
NECR491 Comparison of manual filtration methods for on-site eDNA sample processing
NECR491 |
2023/08/31 |
NERR115 Edition 1 A Survey of the Black Hairstreak Butterfly in North Bucks
NERR115 |
2024/05/31 |
NERR130 Edition 1 Bernwood Focus Area NVC surveys of woodland and grassland sites
NERR130 |
2023/11/21 |
NERR133 BER Bat Monitoring and Evaluation Report - Assessment and Accreditation and Licensing
NERR133 |
2024/01/08 |
NERR134 English seabird conservation and recovery pathway - Technical report
NERR134 |
2024/08/06 |
NERR135 Edition 1 Wild take review public call for evidence - summary report
NERR135 |
2025/03/06 |
NERR136 Edition 1 Wild take review interview report
NERR136 |
2025/03/06 |
NERR137 Edition 1 State of Natural Capital Report for England 2024 – risks to nature and why it matters
NERR137 |
2024/10/09 |
NERR138 Agri-Env Evidence Annual Report 2023
NERR138 |
2024/08/07 |
NERR141 Edition 1 Living England 2022-23 Technical User Guide
NERR141 |
2024/09/17 |
NERR145 Edition 1 AI and Future of Professional Knowledge
NERR145 |
2024/12/06 |
National biodiversity climate change vulnerability model
NERR054 |
2014/02/03 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 1 Natural Capital and Ecosystem Approach Checklist
EIN051 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 10 Managing Ecosystem Services Evidence Review (MESER)
EIN060 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 11 Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2)
EIN061 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 2 Bassenthwaite Upland Ecosystem Service Pilot
EIN052 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 3 Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots
EIN053 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 4 Natural Capital Indicators
EIN054 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 5 Natural Capital Atlases: Mapping Indicators
EIN055 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 6 Accounting for National Nature Reserves
EIN056 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 7 Natural Capital Account for the Tees Valley
EIN057 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 8 People and Nature Survey
EIN058 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook (NERR092): Appendix 9 North Devon Landscape Pioneer
EIN059 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Evidence Handbook: to support place-based planning and decision-making
NERR092 |
2021/03/08 |
Natural Capital Indicators: for defining and measuring change in natural capital
NERR076 |
2018/09/26 |
Natural England framework for Science, Research and Evidence
NERR011 |
2008/04/22 |
Natural England publishing standards for commissioned reports
NECR000 |
2020/02/27 |
Nettlecombe Court Slope and Old Weather Station Field National Vegetation Classification 2019
NERR099 |
2021/07/22 |
Nettlecombe Court and Old Weather Station Field Grassland Fungi Assessment 2020
NERR098 |
2021/07/22 |
No Charge? Valuing the natural environment: Technical report
NERR032 |
2010/04/15 |
Outcome Indicator Framework for England's 25 Year Environment Plan: D5 Conservation status of our native species, 2022
NERR124 |
2022/10/19 |
Pacific Oyster Survey 2014 and 2015; Plymouth Sound & Estuaries and Fal & Helford Special Areas of Conservation
NERR075 |
2019/04/15 |
Partnership led strategy to monitor and manage the spread of Pacific oyster populations in south Devon and Cornwall
NERR100 |
2021/09/30 |
Peatland Carbon Finance Scoping Study
NERR107 |
2022/05/06 |
Penwith Moors Ecohydrological catchment land-cover survey May / June 2021
NERR109 |
2022/06/06 |
Pinkworthy and Driver Farm proposed Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI): grassland fungi assessment
NERR116 |
2022/08/02 |
Pixton Park Grassland National Vegetation Classification (NVC) Survey 2018 - 2019
NERR101 |
2022/03/29 |
Pixton Park Saprotrophic Fungi Assessment 2019
NERR102 |
2022/03/29 |
Procedural guidelines for studying grey seals in southwest England, 2006
NERR017 |
2008/09/24 |
Qualitative and quantitative research into public engagement with the undersea landscape in England
NERR019 |
2008/09/02 |
Radio Tracking Study of Greater Horseshoe Bats at Dean Hall, Littledean, Cinderford
NERR012 |
2008/05/30 |
Recent losses of permanent grassland – an assessment of the evidence
NERR060 |
2014/12/18 |
Review of local records centres in the UK
NERR004 |
2007/11/15 |
Surveying terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates for conservation evaluation
NERR005 |
2007/12/11 |
Surveys of Falmouth Bay to St Austell Bay Special Protection Area (SPA) Winter 2020/21
NERR111 |
2022/10/04 |
Taking the long view - an introduction to Natural England's Long Term Monitoring Network 2009 - 2016
NERR070 |
2017/11/14 |
The Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) in West Cornwall: Key sites, anthropogenic threats and their implications for conservation of the species
NERR018 |
2008/07/31 |
The Countryside Code: Stakeholder Survey - A summary of findings
NERR095 |
2021/04/01 |
The Economic Benefits Supported by Land Management – A Case Study of Shapwick Heath National Nature Reserve
NERR084 |
2020/09/18 |
The Impacts of Leisure Travel
NERR014 |
2008/07/03 |
The Soils for Project Project
NERR073 |
2018/04/11 |
The application of biological-effects tools to inform the condition of European Marine Sites
NERR009 |
2008/07/03 |
The condition of lowland heathland: results from a sample survey of non-statutory stands in England
NERR002 |
2007/11/13 |
Towards a coherent network of Marine Protected Areas. Report of a conference held on the 2-4th October, 2007, Scarborough, UK
NERR006 |
2008/02/15 |
Urban Greening Factor for England – Development and Technical Analysis
NERR132 |
2023/01/24 |
Urban Greening Factor for England – Summary Report
NERR131 |
2023/01/24 |
Validation Network Project Saltmarshes
NERR020 |
2008/09/24 |
Valuing land-use and management changes in the Keighley and Watersheddles catchment
NERR044 |
2012/05/09 |
Visitor travel plans for countryside leisure destinations
NERR022 |
2008/11/27 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Bosullow (part) (survey area 30 (part) – 2021)
NERR113 |
2022/06/06 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Bosullow (survey area 30 – 2019)
NERR088 |
2021/01/15 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Busvargus and Tregeseal Common (part) (survey area 11 (part) – 2022)
NERR121 |
2022/07/28 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Carn Galver (part) (survey area 32 (part) – 2021)
NERR106 |
2022/02/23 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Carn Glaze North (part) (survey area 8 – 2019)
NERR087 |
2021/01/15 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Chapel Carn Brea (part) (survey area 2 (part) – 2021)
NERR112 |
2022/06/06 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Conquer Downs to Lady Downs (part) (survey area 48 (part) – 2022)
NERR117 |
2022/07/28 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Trendrine Hill (part) (survey area 45 (part) – 2021)
NERR114 |
2022/06/06 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Trenowin Downs, Tonkin Downs, Gulval Downs and Noon Diggery (part) (survey area 51 (part) – 2022)
NERR118 |
2022/07/28 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Trink Hill (part) (survey area 55 (part) – 2021)
NERR119 |
2022/07/28 |
West Penwith Habitat Surveys: Watch Croft, Trevean, White Downs and Bosullow Common (part) (Survey Area 31(part) – 2022)
NERR120 |
2022/07/28 |
What motivates people to participate in organised walking activity?
NERR028 |
2009/12/04 |
Who took part in Walking for Health?: An analysis of walker demographics April 2008 to March 2010
NERR041 |
2011/06/27 |
Whole feature assessment pilot evaluation report: SSSI Monitoring and Evaluation – 2021 Pilots
NERR122 |
2022/10/13 |