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Natural England Evidence Reviews

Reports produced by Natural England's evidence review work. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.

Records for this category

Title Code Published
A desk review of the ecology of heather beetle NEER008 2015/06/04
A rapid scoping review of health and wellbeing evidence for the Framework of Green Infrastructure Standards NEER015 2020/09/30
A review of the evidence on the interactions of beavers with the natural and human environment in relation to England NEER017 2021/08/25
Advice and recommendations for beaver reintroduction, management and licensing in England NEER019 2021/08/25
Desk review of burning and other management options for the control for heather beetle NEER009 2015/06/04
Ecological Consequences of Gamebird Releasing and Management on Lowland Shoots in England NEER016 2020/08/20
Encouraging woodland creation, regeneration and tree planting on agricultural land: A literature review NEER020 2021/10/08
Evidence review of the impact of solar farms on birds, bats and general ecology 2016 NEER012 2017/03/09
Fisheries Impacts on Marine Protected Habitats – A Review of the Evidence NEER023 2023/02/23
NEER025 The Influence of Recreational Activity on Upland Ecosystems in the UK: A Review of Evidence NEER025 2024/01/12
NEER028 Edition 1 The Impacts of Vegetation Cutting on Peatlands and Heathlands NEER028 2023/11/16
NEER029 Fisheries Impacts Evidence Database Project Methodology Report NEER029 2023/10/12
NEER030 A narrative review of reviews of nature exposure and human health and well-being in the UK NEER030 2024/03/01
NEER131 Testing FARMSCOPER and LESA-NP against lake sediment-inferred phosphorus budgets NEER131 2024/02/20
NEER150 Edition 1 Quick scoping review of the risks from H5N1 to wild birds associated with releases of captive-reared mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) NEER150 2024/06/24
Natural England Evidence Reviews: guidance on the development process and methods NEER001 2013/05/30
Natural England review of Upland Evidence: Assurance Group report NEER007 2013/05/30
Picket and Clanger Wood Breeding Bird Survey 2017 RP2973 2024/08/06
Restoration of degraded blanket bog NEER003 2013/05/30
The River Otter Beaver Trial: Natural England’s assessment of the trial and advice on the future of the beaver population NEER018 2021/08/25
The causes and prevention of wildfire on heathlands and peatlands in England NEER014 2020/07/28
The effects of managed burning on upland peatland biodiversity, carbon and water NEER004 2013/05/30
The effects of trees and scrub on ecosystem services and biodiversity in the UK uplands a scoping review NEER013 2019/12/20
The historic peat record: Implications for the restoration of blanket bog NEER011 2016/03/18
The impact of moorland grazing and stocking rates NEER006 2013/05/30
The impacts of tracks on the integrity and hydrological function of blanket peat NEER002 2013/05/30
Upland Hay Meadows: What management regimes maintain the diversity of meadow flora and populations of breeding birds? NEER005 2013/05/30