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Reviews of evidence

Publications that review exising evidence including Natural England's Evidence Reviews and other literature reviews. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.


Records for this category

Title Code Published
An assessment of evidence supporting a programme of wetland restoration projects in the New Forest Site of Special Scientific Interest: Assurance Report NERR067 2016/11/08
Definition of Favourable Conservation Status for White-clawed crayfish RP2933 2020/04/14
Greening Dementia - a literature review of the benefits and barriers facing individuals living with dementia in accessing the natural environment and local greenspace NECR137 2013/11/21
Is ‘minimising the footprint’ an effective intervention to maximise the recovery of intertidal sediments from disturbance? Phase 1: Literature review NECR110 2013/03/01
Literature review and analysis of the effectiveness of mitigation measures to address environmental impacts of linear transport infrastructure on protected species and habitats NECR132 2013/11/12
Measuring Pro-environmental Behaviour and its Determinants: A quick scoping review of existing closed answer measures and design considerations to inform survey design NECR507 2023/10/25
NECR495 Edition 1 Review of Peak District Wildfire Risk Assessment 2022 NECR495 2024/02/14
NECR517 Edition 1 Literature Review - Wild take and the cultural traditions of falconry NECR517 2025/03/06
NEER150 Edition 1 Quick scoping review of the risks from H5N1 to wild birds associated with releases of captive-reared mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) NEER150 2024/06/24
NERR135 Edition 1 Wild take review public call for evidence - summary report NERR135 2025/03/06
NERR136 Edition 1 Wild take review interview report NERR136 2025/03/06
Natural England Evidence Reviews: guidance on the development process and methods NEER001 2013/05/30
Recent losses of permanent grassland – an assessment of the evidence NERR060 2014/12/18
Review of literature: how transport’s soft estate has enhanced green infrastructure, ecosystem services, and transport resilience in the EU NECR169 2014/12/15
Review of the evidence for organic pollution thresholds to protect rivers with special designations for wildlife NECR023 2009/10/29
TIN217 Edition 1 Wild take for falconry and bird of prey genetics TIN217 2025/03/06
Wild Take - Natural England Reports, 2025 WT2024 2025/03/06