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Valuing the natural environment

Records for this category

Title Code Published
A Natural Capital Strategy for North Devon NERR083 2020/05/21
A Review of the Environmental Capital Approach in the New Approach to Transport Appraisal NERR016 2008/11/25
Accounting for National Nature Reserves: A Natural Capital Account of the National Nature Reserves managed by Natural England NERR078 2019/02/21
An estimate of the value and cost effectiveness of the expanded Walking the Way to Health Initiative scheme 2009 TIN055 2009/07/10
An evaluation of walking schemes in Devon NECR070 2011/05/12
  Criteria for identifying the critical environmental capital of the maritime zone: a discussion paper ENRR136 1995/02/01
  Ecosystem functions and the implications for economic evaluation. ENRR441 2001/10/01
  England’s Ecosystem Services, A preliminary assessment of three habitat types: broad-leaved woodland, the inter-tidal zone and fresh-water wetlands ENRR701 2006/09/19
  Environmental accounts for nature conservation: a methodology ENRR355 2000/02/28
Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots NECR254 2018/09/10
Evaluation of the Upland Ecosystem Service Pilots: Bassenthwaite NERR077 2018/09/10
Experiencing Landscapes: Capturing the cultural services and experiential qualities of landscape NECR024 2009/10/09
Experiencing Landscapes: Towards a judgement-making framework for ‘cultural services’ and ‘experiential qualities’ NECR045 2011/12/06
  Financial values of five important marine/coastal wildlife areas in England ENRR182 1996/10/01
Green Infrastructure – Valuation Tools Assessment NECR126 2013/09/27
  Hedgerows: their socio-economic benefits - A study based in Devon CRN12 2001/05/01
JP051 Nature based education in the 21st century JP051 2023/09/08
Mapping values: the vital nature of our uplands – an atlas linking environment and people NE209 2009/01/01
Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment - review NERR033 2012/03/01
Microeconomic Evidence for the Benefits of Investment in the Environment 2 (MEBIE2) NERR057 2014/06/09
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment - The national survey on people and the natural environment - Visits to coastal England NECR226 2016/10/24
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: Analysis of expenditure during visits NECR177 2015/02/24
NECR488 Edition 1 The Children and Nature Programme 2019-2022 Learning report NECR488 2024/09/04
NECR500 People and Nature Survey Analysis 2023 NECR500 2023/09/07
NECR523 Forming a Young Advisory Group for Natural England’s Children’s People and Nature Survey (C-PANS) NECR523 2024/02/14
NEER030 A narrative review of reviews of nature exposure and human health and well-being in the UK NEER030 2024/03/01
Natural Capital Investment Opportunities for North Devon NECR292 2020/05/21
No Charge? Valuing the natural environment: Technical report NERR032 2010/04/15
No charge? Valuing the natural environment NE220 2009/01/01
  Preparation and presentation of habitat replacement cost estimates. Using examples of the restoration and creation of coastal and floodplain grazing marsh, reedbeds and lagoons ENRR345 1998/10/01
Putting economic values on green infrastructure improvements EIN022 2016/10/13
Revealing the value of nature CORP113 2006/10/24
Revealing the value of nature - a summary CORP128 2003/01/01
Root Cause Analysis for the North Devon Landscape Pioneer NECR291 2020/05/21
State of the natural environment in the South West NE136 2009/01/01
The economic impact of Natural England’s National Nature Reserves NECR131 2013/10/11
The environment, economic growth and competitiveness. - The environment as an economic drive ENV002 2000/03/01
  The social and economic value of the UK's geodiversity ENRR709 2006/09/01
  The socio-economic impacts of implementing the UK Biodiversity Action Plan - species rich hedges in Devon ENRR397 2000/09/01
Think BIG How and why landscape-scale conservation benefits wildlife, people and the wider economy NE309 2011/06/07
  Towards Nature Conservation Extensions to National Accounts: Some Possible Directions ENRR117 1995/01/05
Valuing land-use and management changes in the Keighley and Watersheddles catchment NERR044 2012/05/09
  Wildlife Enhancement Scheme: A contingent valuation study of the Pevensey Levels ENRR148 1996/01/05