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Publications and products about the marine environment. Some of the records within this category can be viewed by their location.


Records for this category

Title Code Published
A categorisation system for maerl bed habitats in England NERR123 2023/10/18
Developing a robust technique to detect populations of endangered native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes, invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and crayfish plague Aphanomyces astaci in lotic systems using innovative eDNA approaches NECR284 2019/10/29
Is ‘minimising the footprint’ an effective intervention to maximise the recovery of intertidal sediments from disturbance? Phase 1: Literature review NECR110 2013/03/01
Isles of Scilly Complex SAC Seagrass Survey 2016 TP6342 2020/04/29
Marine Conservation Zones - Natural England’s advice to Defra on proposed Marine Conservation Zones to be considered for designation in Tranche 2. January 2016 NE614 2016/01/18
Monitoring methods for assessing inshore fish communities NECR269 2020/02/10
NC44 Edition 1 Marine recovery and restoration practice - Place-based decision-making NC44 2024/08/09
NECR465 Edition 1 Assemblage composition in key habitats of Marine Protected Areas NECR465 2023/11/13
NECR481 Edition 1 Seagrass in the Stour Orwell and Blackwater 2020-21 NECR481 2024/04/10
NECR482 edition 1 Lundy Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Monitoring Report 2017 NECR482 2024/04/10
NECR505 Edition 1 Offshore Demonstration Site Demand and Feasibility Study NECR505 2024/06/03
NECR508 Edition 1 LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Advanced Mooring Systems worldwide NECR508 2024/01/09
NECR512 Consideration of avoidance behaviour of northern gannet (Morus bassanus) in collision risk modelling for offshore wind farm impact assessments NECR512 2023/09/25
NECR518 Edition 1 Isles of Scilly Eelgrass Bed Voluntary Monitoring Programme 2021 Annual Survey NECR518 2024/04/17
NECR521 Edition 1 Genetic analysis of Zostera sp. samples from the East of England. A regional case-study of the genetic diversity of Zostera sp. across the UK NECR521 2024/04/04
NECR525 Solent Maritime SAC Subtidal Seagrass Condition Monitoring NECR525 2024/03/05
NEER029 Fisheries Impacts Evidence Database Project Methodology Report NEER029 2023/10/12
Natural England Discretionary Advice Service: Advice for Developers NE377 2013/07/04
Palinurus elephas (spiny lobster/crawfish/crayfish) in the South-West NECR297 2020/06/11
Regional monitoring plan for inshore fish communities in the Southwest of England NECR271 2020/02/10
Seagrass (Zostera marina) monitoring and condition assessment in Whitsand and Looe Bay Marine Conservation Zone 2015 and 2017 RP2938 2020/09/02
Summary of Natural England’s confirmed advice provided to Defra on Marine Conservation Zones to be considered for designation in 2019 JP028 2019/05/31
Viability of fish monitoring techniques in inshore areas of the Southwest of England NECR270 2020/02/10
Yarmouth to Cowes MCZ intertidal baseline survey NECR553 2024/05/22